ben jackson

Welcome to my web page. It's not a blog, but it does consist of many pages created over a long span of time. The difference is that each of my entries is a snapshot of the web design I felt like doing at that moment. You get to read about my projects, but at the same time you are treated to a museum of ancient web design. Don't be alarmed if every page you see has a different style. That's what the entire web is going to look like when everyone's site is 14 years old.

popular pages
Altera FLEX 6024A board
MMA2260 Accelerometer Demo
XC9536 CPLD LED blinker
Data cable for Yaesu VX-6
Surefire p60 LED conversion
High-speed CPLD counter w/ serial out
Contributions to gEDA
Green LED cube video
LEGO Robots
Rolling Ball Sculpture
Tool Reviews
metal bandsaw, MIG welder
Playing XPilot
I rarely play anymore, but I started a new page.
MOO Hacking
WAIF datatype, MOO Structure Binding, TF MCP support
GIMP CIV2 Plugin
PCB Plugins
smartdisperse, autocrop, distalign
jpegtran lossless cropping
Zaurus Dev Challenge Entry
An airplane nav instrument simulator
PIC Multiply/Divide Macros
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