Printable E6-B Flight Computer
...or at least the front side of it! This PostScript program renders an E6-B (you can also get a PDF version which is identical). An E6-B is a circular sliderule customized for aviation use. A commercially made model would also have a wind/heading plotter on the reverse side.
The first page assumes letter size and squeezes 2 sets of discs onto one page. Copy this onto card stock and cut carefully to assemble your own. On the next two pages it attempts to print each disc individually centered and at the largest possible size. You could use this to make a giant demo E6-B with a suitable printer. In that case you may want to edit the file and delete the stanza that prints the first page (near the end).
Wee-Meng Lee found this page and contributed a PostScript version with a paper hinge in the center. I have also converted that to a PDF version with hinge. Visit his page for other clever paper tools!
If you are a PostScript programmer, please forgive my ugly PostScript,
for I am way out of practice. However, note that you can add more unit
conversions (to the inner or outer wheel) by following the examples in
the units