
Micro Rover! A tiny robot with differential steering and a single front bumper.
A fast but flawed line follower in search of a high speed line tracking sensor/algorithm.
Miniature R2D2: What you get when you don't feel like building your DDK and want to see the Micro-scout go.
My favorite robot, a one-wheel, powered caster design. No explanation, just pictures. If you remove the light sensor shown, there are no wires to foul while it turns. The purple piece you can't identify is one ring cut from one of those flexible tubes with an exacto knife as a (very necessary) spacer.
A rack & pinion wanderer. One of my first robots and maybe still one of the most fun to watch. No writeup, though.
The #5115 9v Battery Box is the brains of this rover. No, not a hollowed out battery box with a CPU, just 9 volts of power and some clever mechanics. It's the Rock Stupid Rover! All it really needs is a technic BURP for decoration.
....         A prototype of a picoscout.

Sensor Constructions

Train axle counter: Identify short and long train cars with a simple light sensor arrangement and a lot of NQC.

Yet Another CdS Light Sensor: The interesting bit here is the LEGO electrical connector. Or maybe you're looking for the Radio Shack part number?


VLL send implementation for legOS: Program your Code Pilot or Micro-scout using an RCX and a light sensor.


Or maybe you were looking for the raytracing.
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